FM Foundation
FM Foundation

FM Logistic France commits to furniture storage following Paris 2024

FM Logistic is storing 2,000 pallets of furniture from Paris 2024 to support the beneficiaries of Emmaüs Défi's Banque Solidaire de l'Équipement.

On October 10, 2024

Solidarity logistics

As part of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Banque Solidaire de l’Équipement (BSE), an Emmaüs Défi initiative, received an exceptional donation of over 12,000 items of furniture, 4,700 mattresses and 8,000 pillows from the Olympic village. This volume of donations is equivalent to what the BSE usually receives in an entire year. The scale of the project represents a major logistical challenge, but also a unique opportunity for the BSE to support between 2,500 and 4,000 households by providing them with low-cost equipment. This will enable 4,000 children and 700 adults to benefit from new equipment in their new homes. This initiative will enable the beneficiaries to make a collective saving estimated at €1.1 million, thereby strengthening the stability of these households in precarious situations. Thanks to the support of FM Logistic, which stores 2,000 pallets of furniture in its warehouse in Savigny-sur-Clairis (89), the BSE has a stock equivalent to three years’ demand and is meeting a growing need for equipped housing for vulnerable families.

A lever against poor housing

Emmaüs Défi, founded in 2012, is a social integration project that helps people in very precarious situations to reintegrate into society through work. Its initiative, the Banque Solidaire de l’Equipement, recovers and redistributes unsold goods from businesses to families accessing housing. Over 33,000 people have been supported through this programme, with a tangible impact on the stability of the beneficiaries. In partnership with the FM Foundation for several years, this project strengthens support for the most disadvantaged by enabling them to buy furniture at low prices.

More committed Games

The Paris 2024 Organising Committee is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the Olympic Games by reusing the furniture in the Olympic and Paralympic Villages. Initiatives such as the BSE’s are part of this sustainability drive.

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