Annual report

In its 2023/24 annual report, FM Logistic publishes its financial results for the year ended March 31, 2024, confirms its strategic objectives and continues its efforts to achieve sustainable operational excellence.
  • 1,731

    Revenue (€M)

  • 50,8

    EBIT (€M)

  • 178

    New contracts (€M)

  • 27,762


  • 64,5%

    of its revenue generated outside of France

  • “FM Logistic stays the course and accelerates its transformation. With 11% growth and a 40% increase in EBIT, we have fulfilled our earnings commitments. These were accompanied by an improvement in customer satisfaction, with our NPS reaching a score of 53. We are also proud to have divided our co2 emissions in half over the last 5 years.”

    Jean-Christophe Machet CEO


FM Logistic’s new sustainable development strategy is a direct continuation of a longstanding commitment, with a stronger focus on monitoring indicators and enhanced governance. To co-create the supply chain of tomorrow, FM Logistic is implementing an environmental strategy that addresses both climate challenges and issues related to resources and waste reduction.

This year, we have worked to improve the sobriety and energy efficiency of our warehouses and accelerate the installation of photovoltaic panels on our sites.

FM Logistic actively involve all its stakeholders in its approach. The company provides its customers with a dashboard to measure the carbon emissions of their logistics and help them identify areas for improvement. FM Logistic have intensified discussions with its suppliers about best practices. All Group activities are mobilised to achieve its objectives in the countries where FM Logistic operates.

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  • 90% Employee satisfaction rate

    according to the results of our internal Pulse survey. Among our strengths are the excellence of our HR practices and a commitment to the well-being of our teams, as recognised by our Top Employer certification, the Choose My Company label, and the “Leaders bienveillants” award (Caring Leaders) in 2023.

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  • 8 902 employees underwent training this year

    Continuous training is vital for creating inspiring career paths, empowering our employees to take ownership of their roles and reshape them. Through “FM University”, our corporate university, we support them through every stage of their development, with a dual focus: operational excellence and readiness for the future of the supply chain.

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  • 100 employees working in our 11 FMEA platforms in France

    FM Logistic actively promotes the recruitment, integration, and retention of people with disabilities in the workforce. In 2023, they represented 9.3% of our workforce in France.Our network of Adapted Enterprises (FMEA) has also expanded, growing from 7 to 11 sites and employing around 100 workers with disabilities or otherwise distanced from employment.

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Our robust model, once again praised by our clients in our annual satisfaction survey, combines a unique warehousing approach – thanks to the FM Logistic-Batilogistic tandem – with a comprehensive, integrated range of contract logistics services.

It blends the operational excellence of our teams with a commitment to our clients at all levels of the company. This year, we reaffirm our position as a trusted partner in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Retail, and Luxury, while expanding our activities in the industrial market.

We continuously earn this trust by collaborating with our clients on all our innovation projects. Our initiatives in continuous improvement, automation, and innovation perfectly illustrate this approach that has led to sustainable and forward-thinking solutions for FMCG players.

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Since its creation in 2017, the FM Foundation has been co-creating social innovation projects focused on professional integration and children’s aid. These initiatives are implemented in collaboration with local associations near the Group’s sites. By promoting skills-based sponsorship, the foundation weaves networks of solidarity among employees, customers, and partners, fostering a virtuous circle of positive impact.

17 partnerships in 2023-24

Forging supportive and virtuous links

“Our employees find a source of pride in their engagement, our clients enrich their philanthropic projects, and our partners demonstrate their commitment to our shared values.” Jean-Christophe Machet

This year, we carried out a large number of projects with our partners. In France with les Apprentis d’Auteuil ; in Ukraine with SOS Children’s Village ; in India with Work for Equality & Life Project for Youth ; in Vietnam with Light Your Hope ; in Poland with Porta Vitae ; in Czech Republic with SRDCE NA DLANI ; in Romania with Concordia.



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