FM Foundation

Involved in solidarity actions for many years, the FM Group created its corporate foundation in 2017 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.

FM Foundation strengthens the group’s social responsibility by combining the solidarity dynamics of employees and the professionalisation of sponsorship.

  • 67

    Projects supported by the Fm Foundation

  • 13,167


  • 12

    Countries have been involved in actions to help integration or children.

All together for a more inclusive society

FM Foundation supports the actions of FM Group employees in two areas of intervention:


Through projects that enable people in difficulty or on the bangs of society to acquire skills and know-how, to regain self-confidence and to take their full place in society.


Through actions in favor of socially disadvantaged children or those at risk of social exclusion, by improving their living conditions and their opportunities for development and integration.

The mobilisation of the company’s employees through skills sponsorship gives meaning to the actions supported by the foundation, while embodying the company’s values of trust, performance and openness.

The projects supported are carried out in partnership with public-interest organisations whose beneficiaries are located near the Group’s sites, so that these actions have a real local social impact.

Our Projetcs

Co-creation of a logistics course in partnership with the Apprentis d’Auteuil since 2017

FM Logistic wishes to pursue its CSR approach and make a long-term commitment. This includes a sponsorship programme that aims to integrate and support young people who are far from employment, experiencing difficulties at school, in society, in the family or at risk of exclusion.

Our partnership in a few figures:

  • 4 promotions of 12 young people since 2017
  • 4 hosting platforms
  • 20 young graduates since 2017

Discover more about our partnership.

An effective and impactful partnership

This consists of supporting Emmaus Défi in its development by committing to three types of sponsorship

  • Skills
  • In kind
  • Financial

An effective and impactful partnership thanks to:

  • Setting up a cooperation flow between the Emmaus and FM Logistic teams
  • Activating the solidarity chain to optimise the cost of materials and equipment
  • Defining the measures needed to assess the impact of the aid provided

The final objective is to help people in very precarious situations to find their place in society.

Find out more about our partner.

Our partners around the world

FM Foundation news

Want to know more about FM Logistic?

  • Overview

    At FM Logistic, we are 27,500 people who firmly believe that supply chains have the power to create positive impacts for people and the planet. We implement our vision in 14 countries across Europe, Asia and Latin America.

  • Our Purpose

    Make responsible consumption possible for all.

  • Governance

    FM Logistic's governance meets international standards: independent Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

  • Sustainability

    The world is at a junction. That's why we strive every day to collectively improve the supply chain for greener and more responsible consumption.


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