
At FM Logistic, we are 27,500 people who firmly believe that supply chains have the power to create positive impacts for people and the planet. We implement our vision in 14 countries across Europe, Asia and Latin America.
  • 6.400


  • 36


  • 582 M €


  • 1,7 M


  • 55

    years of experience

FM Logistic in brief

Since 1967, we’ve strived to deliver the right goods, to the right place, at the right time, for the good of all. We team up with committed partners and customers in the consumer products, retail, beauty and cosmetics, industrial manufacturing and healthcare sectors to act collectively and produce responsible supply chain models. We are pushing the boundaries so that by 2030, we will be recognised as the leader of sustainable omnichannel supply chains.

We are pioneering transportation pooling and the one-roof concept. We promote environmentally friendly co-packing solutions and carbon neutral warehouses. We work hard to optimize the way we use resources, continuously monitoring and improving our carbon footprint. We are developing innovative and sustainable omnichannel distribution with our urban solutions or our bulk finished goods offering. And we don’t stop there! Wherever we are, we become a committed and sustainable partner for local communities. Nothing would be possible without our collective inner passion and all the energy we share to create and carry out these actions. That’s why we strive to collectively and continuously improve our daily work life and the well-being of our teams.

  • “It has taken over 50 years to build our company and make it what it is today. Business life is a daily challenge, especially when a company is experiencing continuous strong growth, which has been the case for us.

    Our success has not been left to chance. It is based on a legacy of family values combined with entrepreneurship and common sense. With this example to follow and the desire to continue our history, the second generation has successfully taken the lead, with the same successful foundations.

    Today, the management teams combine these values with their own expertise and skills. It is therefore with shared pride and team strength that we continue to write our history on new continents.”

    Claude FAURE on behalf of the founders Honorary President

    The founders of FM Logistic (from left to right): Jean-Marie Machet, Claude Faure, Edmond Faure

Our family business DNA

« A soft skill that embodies the imprint and soul of the company and contributes to the well-being of its employees”

“Our know-how through all of our businesses and in our multiple countries of establishment, all come along in the same way, in a soft skill characterized by the DNA of the family company..

This soft skill arises from the history of the company that wants to keep its independence, to develop its performance, to ensure its sustainability through motivated and committed Men and Women.

To give a purpose to our actions, to be committed every step of the way and to provide that atmosphere in the workspace ; All of these criterias are in order to develop the feeling of pride and belonging of the employees to the company.

The DNA that we find on all of our sites, which is complementary and in line with our values, embodies the imprint and soul of our family business, through actions focused on:

  • The FM identity which makes its singularity
  • The Human Capital at the heart of the company
  • Life at the heart of the company
  • The knowledge of the company by all employees

We are deeply committed to this way of being. Our challenge is to perpetuate this DNA through the international and multicultural development of the company. »

Marie-Laure Faure – FM Group DNA director

FM Logistic values

  • Trust

    Trust is given, built naturally and is a long-term process. It allows each of us to give the best of ourselves; it encourages autonomy and cooperation between us and with our partners.

  • Performance

    Performance is the result of our daily excellence and our entrepreneurial spirit. It is the key to the satisfaction of our customers and the sustainability of our company.

  • Openness

    Openness commits us to take initiatives, to be curious, to listen, to question and to be creative.

Our values, based on respect of human relationship,

guide the employees’ attitudes and behaviors

Over 50 years of history


Top Employer Certification

For the eigth consecutive year, FM Logistic France has been certified Top Employer.


The FM Logistic Group continued to expand its presence in Spain (Illescas) and Vietnam (Bac Ninh) and is celebrating 25 years of presence in Central Europe.

FM Logistic France Certifications

In France, FM Logistic became the first logistics provider to be certified ISO 9001 (quality management system), ISO 45 001 Health, Safety and Welfare at Work and ISO 50 001 Energy Management

Setting up in Vietnam

FM Logistic celebrates its 50th anniversary and strengthens its position in Asia by establishing itself in Vietnam.

FM Logistic sets up in India

FM Logistic strengthened its geographical coverage by acquiring the Indian company Spear Logistics.

Creation of FMEA (FM Entreprises Adaptées)

A network of FM Logistic subsidiaries that is in line with the company’s social policy for the employment of people with disabilities.

Establishment in Brazil and development of fresh produce logistics

In 2013, the group established a presence in Brazil. At the same time, it strengthened its expertise in fresh produce logistics with the birth of FM Fresh brand.

Governance evolution

Opening up governance to new external and family non-executive directors.

Start of Customs activity in France

In 2008, FM Logistic extended its services in France and supported its customers in their customs activities. Certified AEO Full (Authorised Economic Operator), we work in National Centralized Customs Clearance (NCC).

Western Europe and Asia Development

Development in Western Europe and Asia: Spain, Italy, Hungary, China.


Thanks to the trust that unites the different generations of the founding families, the company was passed on to the second generation in 2002.

Setting up in Central and Eastern Europe

In the early 1990s, the Group took advantage of the opportunities offered by the opening of the Eastern European markets. It thus became a pioneer in international logistics in Central Europe.

Start of the contract packaging activity

Faure & Machet listens to its customers’ needs and offers new value-added services such as contract packaging and co-packing, which facilitate promotional campaigns for consumer goods companies and mass retailers.

First development

The company grows rapidly. In 1976, it already had 90 employees and 75 vehicles. But it was in 1982 that the company really took off. The founders’ entrepreneurial spirit and dynamism won the confidence of the Mars food company. Faure & Machet embarked on a strategic activity, warehousing, and twenty years after its creation, the company had 300 employees and 38,000 m² of warehouses in France.

The Faure & Machet alliance

In the 1960s in France, two brothers, Claude and Edmond Faure, decided to launch their small wood transport company. At the same time, another entrepreneur, Jean-Marie Machet, took over his family’s transportation business. The meeting of Mireille Machet and Claude Faure will mark the destiny of both families. Their marriage led to a close professional relationship that resulted in the creation of the “Faure & Machet” transport company in 1967. At that time, it had 12 employees and 7 vehicles.

Want to know more about FM Logistic?

  • Governance

    FM Logistic's governance meets international standards: independent Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

  • Our Purpose

    Make responsible consumption possible for all.

  • Sustainability

    The world is at a junction. That's why we strive every day to collectively improve the supply chain for greener and more responsible consumption.


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