• Why join FM Logistic?

    At FM Logistic, we go above and beyond every day to find creative solutions to the challenges of the rapidly changing supply chain industry.

  • 6500


  • 75%

    in operations

  • 400

    new hires

  • 39%

    of our team members are women

  • 4.35/5

    Index happyatwork

We power our business and the supply chain by empowering our people.

We are driven by our collective entrepreneurial spirit and our shared passion for making supply chains more sustainable. We go above and beyond every day to make our workplace safer and to find solutions to the multiple challenges of the constantly evolving supply chain world.


Good reasons to join us

Joining FM Logistic means joining a stable company that takes care of its employees and helps them develop.

The success and well-being of everyone are at the heart of our human resources strategy. Our priority? Provide safe and fair working conditions in which our employees can thrive. By integrating FM Logistic, you will become an actor in your professional career. We are committed to gender parity and we offer you many opportunities for career development and training.

We are looking for employees who will be happy to pass on their knowledge and expertise, in particular to the interns and work-study students we welcome.

Since 2015, with the creation of FMEA (FM Adapted Enterprises), we have been engaged in the employment and support of people with disabilities. Our ambition ? Create long-term jobs for employees with disabilities, allowing them to enhance or develop their skills.

Learn more about our commitments:

  • Committed to “supply change”

    we believe that everyone can be a driving force in building a better future.

  • Caring for your success and well-being

    we learn from and care for each other.

  • Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit

    we have inherited the entrepreneurial spirit of our founders since 1957.

  • Believing in collective impact

    we are a team-oriented company and our collective work is the key to success and efficiency.

Index Egapro 2022 :


To measure this score, 5 indicators were evaluated:

  • 39/40

    Wage gap between women and men

  • 20/20

    Gap in the rate of wage growth between women and men

  • 15/15

    Gap in promotion rates between women and men

  • 15/15

    % of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave

  • 0/10

    Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest wage

Representation gaps between women and men:

  • 17%

    women among senior executives

  • 83%

    men among senior executives

  • 27%

    women in the governing body

  • 73%

    men in the governing body

Our awards

  • Top Employer France 2023

    For the 8th consecutive year, we have been certified Top Employer France 2021 with a score of 88,64%, highlighting the quality of the human resources policies that FM Logistic offers to its employees.

  • HappyIndex®Trainees 2023

    With an overall rating of 4.18/5 and more than 90% of respondents who say they recommend FM Logistic, we have been recognized as one of the best companies for hosting interns and apprentices for the 7th consecutive year.

  • HappyIndex®AtWork For Starters 2023

    For the 8th consecutive year, FM Logistic has won the HappyIndex®AtWork for Starters World label. This independent label was initiated by the “Choose My Company” group, which anonymously assesses the experience of young employees through six complementary aspects: Professional Development – Work Environment – Management – Recognition – Purpose – CSR

  • Forbes 2022 Ranking

    For the second consecutive year, FM Logistic is included in the Forbes list of the 750 best employers in the world. This year, we moved up 152 places, arriving 589th. We are one of only two transport and logistics companies to make the list.

  • Capital 2022 Ranking

    For the 8th time in a row, the survey conducted by Capital magazine ranked FM Logistic among the 500 best employers in France. This year, the company took 6th place in the “goods transport and logistics” category.

Still around? Join us!

  • Join our operations

    Would you like to be a player in the supply chain of the future? Find out about your next operational assignment at FM Logistic!

  • Join our offices

    Have you always dreamed of a career in the supply chain sector? Discover the support functions at FM Logistic!

  • Start your career

    You have talent and ambition? We need you! Whatever your profile and experience, come and take part in the development of a world leader in logistics committed to a sustainable future.


How can we help you ?

What are you looking for?